Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Town Council Adopts Revised Land & Transportation Plan

Following over a year of substantial effort by citizens, Town officials and staff, outside consultants, and land developers, the Town Council approved its Land Use and Transportation Plan for 2009-2035. Thanks to considerable concern and input from residents, a number of key changes were made in the Plan that was initially presented to the Council:

Priority to NC 54 improvements.
• Significant decrease in total additional area designated as Regional Activity Center surrounding the planned Park West Village. Also, restrictions on potential additional apartment buildings and “big box” retail outlets.
• Additional low-density residential development designated for areas along both Church St and Aviation Pkwy.
• Removal of the proposed Crabtree Crossing Pkwy Extension. It will be replaced by a greenway.
• Addition of bus stops near residential neighborhoods.
• Addition of green space protection in the McCrimmon Small Areas Plan. A large recreation area to be considered.
• Coordination with Wake County Public School for future school location (removal of Holly Creek Rd area from consideration).

Our appreciation go to all citizens who spoke at public hearings, sent email messages and attended Town Council meetings regarding the LUTP. Your voice was heard! Thank you.


Anonymous said...

In Addition to LUTP
Allow No Eyesores in Morrisville

I commend and concur with Judy Bank's thorough report on conditions at the McCrimmon-Davis corner (provided at recent Town Council meeting). That intolerable situation requires immediate remediation. I realize most of the council was not in office when that small shopping area was approved. I spoke against it as unreasonable, unnecessary, overly trafficked, and unfitting as it borders the Wexford subdivision and is directly adjacent to the McCrimmon Commons shopping center. We must not allow any eyesore conditions in town.

When I contracted to build my home in Preston, I was told by the developers' supervisor that NC law did not allow standing water over 48 hours. I suggest that you or town staff verify the law, and if true, bring this to the owner's attention for follow-up action if appropriate. Given the property's eyesore status, could there be other code violations? I suggest that staff ask the developer to consider installing 5-foot evergreens around the perimeter until the land is developed or sold. After all, clear-cutting was allowed with expectation of development, which has not occurred. I also suggest modifying the ordinance to require replacement perimeter trees when a project does not start within six months after approval.

Although possibly a pie-n-the-sky idea, could not someone ask the developer if he would consider donating the property to the town for a tax deduction? That land could become a badly needed nature preserve area with a small, fenced-in children's playground.

After this eyesore was described at a recent council meeting, Councilman Synder indicated he'd look into it. In reply to my e-mail, Councilman Murry sent an e-mail saying the town had no jurisdiction, but he'd bring the matter to the attention of Wake County officials, and Councilman Martin indicated that he would contact the property owner to explore a possible tax deductible contribution to the town.

Let's see what is actually done to eliminate an eyesore that has been allowed in town for several years.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Martin isn't going to do anything the owner contributed to his campaign. More smoke and mirrors and besides he doesn't know what he is talking about.

Anonymous said...

I regularly cut through this neighborhood and there aren't any kids on the road either in the morning or evening or weekends for that matter. The rich say no and the thousands who voted in 2004 are ignored. Commissioner Murray forgot who voted for him in the last election and it will be remembered this November!