At its meeting on Thursday, September 11, the Planning & Zoning Board recommended that the Town Council authorize a study of alternatives to the proposed Kit Creek Reconnection. Working with the NC Transit Authority, the P&Z Board proposed that Town staff investigate other possible connections to the planned Triangle Expressway. Also sought was the scheduling of a second community “open house” on the establishment a road connection between Church St. and Davis Dr. Emphasis was placed on the need to assure that residents of the Kit Creek community and surrounding areas be notified of this additional public meeting. Because of the current NC Transit Authority scheduling for the Triangle Expressway, P&Z recognized that a limited time frame was available to pursue its recommendations.
At this P&Z Board meeting, consultants from the Louis Berger Group presented its recently completed study on the proposed Kit Creek Reconnection. During the public hearing, residents claimed inadequate advance notice for the “open house” and presentation of the Consultant’s study. The Board agreed with the citizens’ concern that the projected additional “pass through” traffic on Kit Creek Road was undesirable. However, the consensus of P&Z was that a westerly outlet from the neighborhood was still needed. But if it is not the proposed Kit Creek Reconnection, where is the most appropriate location for it? That is the question that the Board seeks an answer.
Click here to view the Louis Berger Group “Kit Creek Reconnection” study.
Also, on the agenda of the P&Z Board meeting was consideration of the proposed
Land Use and Transportation Plans (LUTP). The Board members continued its discussion on the Plans from its Work Session on 9/2 with Town staff and the Consultant, Louis Berger Group. Although no recommendation on the LUTP was made, P&Z will continue its consideration of the Plans at its next scheduled meeting on October 9.
Among the numerous LUTP proposals that are of serious concern to citizens are the designation of expanded Regional Activity Centers surrounding the proposed Park West commercial development, inclusion of the Crabtree Creek Crossing connection, and perceived minimal emphasis on enhancing Morrisville as an desirable residential community.
To view the proposed Land Use & Transportation Plans, click on “LUTP”.
At this P&Z Board meeting, consultants from the Louis Berger Group presented its recently completed study on the proposed Kit Creek Reconnection. During the public hearing, residents claimed inadequate advance notice for the “open house” and presentation of the Consultant’s study. The Board agreed with the citizens’ concern that the projected additional “pass through” traffic on Kit Creek Road was undesirable. However, the consensus of P&Z was that a westerly outlet from the neighborhood was still needed. But if it is not the proposed Kit Creek Reconnection, where is the most appropriate location for it? That is the question that the Board seeks an answer.
Click here to view the Louis Berger Group “Kit Creek Reconnection” study.
Also, on the agenda of the P&Z Board meeting was consideration of the proposed

Among the numerous LUTP proposals that are of serious concern to citizens are the designation of expanded Regional Activity Centers surrounding the proposed Park West commercial development, inclusion of the Crabtree Creek Crossing connection, and perceived minimal emphasis on enhancing Morrisville as an desirable residential community.
To view the proposed Land Use & Transportation Plans, click on “LUTP”.
Revised Meeting Schedule. All at Town Hall.
10/9/08 P&Z Board – 3rd Briefing & Possible Recommendation (6 pm)
11/12/08 Town Council – Open House (5:30 pm) & 1st Briefing (6:30 pm)
11/20/08 Town Council – Public Hearing (6:30 pm)
12/9/08 Town Council – 2nd Briefing (6:30 pm)
12/17/08 Town Council – Possible Decision (6:30 pm)
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Not sure why people who live in Kitts Creek would object to this, since soon, the Church/Hwy 54/ Miami Intersection will be closed and also Barbee will be closed and they will need to drive many miles out of the way to go anywhere.
Some KC residents are in favor of it...esp those that work along Davis Drive or want EZ access to all the new shops and dining along Davis. It will make our fabulous neighborhood even BETTER!!
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